Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Monday, March 23, 2009

Friday, March 13, 2009

Documentary : Birthday Celebrations

I chose this photo of my mothers birthday celebration as my photo of the week. I like how the lighting is not very bright. I think that the lighting really helps set the tone of the picture. I also like how the candles give off a very bright light. I get the sense that everything has just paused for a moment for the picture. It seems like people were moving around in the photo which gave it more movement. 


I took this photo in New Orleans while on a tour of areas near the Ninth Ward that had been torn apart drastically due to Hurricane Katrina. I chose it for my student of the week because I like the depth of field. While the glass is in focus and the rest is blurred, you can still get a sense of what's happened and that the structure is empty. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Cardinal

I chose this photo to represent animals. I think that the cardinal in this photo really stands out against the white snow background. In this photo the cardinal is really what captures your eye, but another smaller aspect of the photo is the light that illuminates the snow. When you look at the picture you can feel the weight of the snow, but then when you look at the bird it looks very light. 

Here Lies...

I chose this photo of a gravestone to represent the subject, death. I thought that the perspective of the photograph was different. Because the photo is a close up of only one gravestone in a cemetery that is filled with them, i felt that just taking a photo of one seemed more personal. The words 'lies buried' really stands out because it is where your eye is led to on the stone. 

One Way

This picture represents Urban Landscapes. I took it on the Upper West Side in Manhattan. I really like the perspective of the photo. I think the photo is different because the view is in the middle of the street following the direction of the cars. There is interesting lighting, because half the photo is in shadow and the other half is in the sun.